Rabu, 03 Juli 2019

The Norman Maclean Reader

The Norman Maclean Reader
By:Norman Maclean
Published on 2012-03-01 by University of Chicago Press

In his eighty-seven years, Norman Maclean played many parts: fisherman, logger, firefighter, scholar, teacher. But it was a role he took up late in life, that of writer, that won him enduring fame and critical acclaim—as well as the devotion of readers worldwide. Though the 1976 collection A River Runs Through It and Other Stories was the only book Maclean published in his lifetime, it was an unexpected success, and the moving family tragedy of the title novella—based largely on Maclean’s memories of his childhood home in Montana—has proved to be one of the most enduring American stories ever written. The Norman Maclean Reader is a wonderful addition to Maclean’s celebrated oeuvre. Bringing together previously unpublished materials with incidental writings and selections from his more famous works, the Reader will serve as the perfect introduction for readers new to Maclean, while offering longtime fans new insight into his life and career. In this evocative collection, Maclean as both a writer and a man becomes evident. Perceptive, intimate essays deal with his career as a teacher and a literary scholar, as well as the wealth of family stories for which Maclean is famous. Complete with a generous selection of letters, as well as excerpts from a 1986 interview, The Norman Maclean Reader provides a fully fleshed-out portrait of this much admired author, showing us a writer fully aware of the nuances of his craft, and a man as at home in the academic environment of the University of Chicago as in the quiet mountains of his beloved Montana. Various and moving, the works collected in The Norman Maclean Reader serve as both a summation and a celebration, giving readers a chance once again to hear one of American literature’s most distinctive voices.

This Book was ranked at 5 by Google Books for keyword giving a little back an autobiography.

Book ID of The Norman Maclean Reader's Books is dosXQRp7itAC, Book which was written byNorman Macleanhave ETAG "n+0i2dSCaVk"

Book which was published by University of Chicago Press since 2012-03-01 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780226500317 and ISBN 10 Code is 0226500314

Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is true

Book which have "320 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryLiterary Criticism

This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""

This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE

Book was written in en

eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is true and in ePub is true

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The Norman Maclean Reader

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